by Laura | Nov 6, 2019 | Detoxing |
Come the festive season, alcohol is in abundance and becomes a social norm for Christmas activities. It’s also a traditional gift; Baileys is often given as a present as well as liqueur chocolates, prosecco jellies, and stronger bottles of spirits. Alcohol becomes a...
by Laura | Nov 5, 2019 | Detoxing |
Gerri, founder of Regain Recovery discusses the affects and ways to cope with the additional stresses the Christmas season can cause on our mental and physical health. Christmas movies have touched on the issue of people suffering with a variety of mental health...
by Laura | Nov 4, 2019 | Detoxing |
With the festive season fast approaching, for some, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. For others, the emphasis to be joyful and the increased celebrations can be very stressful. This can lead to increased alcohol consumption as a means to...
by Laura | Nov 4, 2019 | Detoxing |
Every year millions of people make New Year resolutions and put pressure on themselves to transform their lives. One resolution on many lists is reducing or giving up alcohol, especially with many charities encouraging ‘Dry January’. Gerri Creedon, Founder of Regain...
by Laura | Nov 1, 2019 | Detoxing |
Detox can sound daunting for those who don’t understand the importance and reasons behind a detox before starting therapeutic treatment for alcohol dependency. In this article, we cover the way detox is managed at Regain Recovery partner centres. Firstly, do not stop...
by Laura | Oct 26, 2019 | Detoxing |
A recent global survey showed people in the UK got drunk more often than anywhere else in the world. It reported Britons to get drunk on average, 51.1 times in a year that equates to almost once a week. The report, which had participants from 36 countries, found...
by Laura | Oct 18, 2019 | Detoxing |
Patrick can’t get out of bed. Feelings of self-loathing come in waves, with no apparent stimulus and no end in sight. His mouth is dry, his body aches. The future seems pretty bleak. This is a familiar situation to anyone who has experienced the debilitating effects...
by Laura | Oct 1, 2019 | Detoxing |
Go Sober – Macmillan fundraising month Every October, Macmillan Cancer Support encourages people to sign up to Go Sober for October, 31 days without alcohol whilst raising money for the charity. The charity asks you to be a Soberhero by saying no to the booze...
by Laura | Sep 30, 2019 | Detoxing |
A late summer break, with children back at school and beaches emptied, is one of life’s greatest luxuries. As tranquil as a trip to the coast is at this time of year, it’s hard to feel at peace when we carry worries about our loved ones with us. “I used to dread our...
by Laura | Jan 16, 2019 | Detoxing |
The third Thursday of every January has become known as Blue Monday, ‘the most depressing day of the year’, this year residing on 21st. With the excitement of festive celebrations over, the money pressures from the expenditure for Christmas, miserable weather and...