Signs of Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse or alcohol addiction is considered to be associated with frequent heavy dring which causes the user negative consequences. The negative effects includes health issues (severe hangovers and accidents occurring under the influence), plus social effects, including alienating loved ones and being verbally abusive.
Abusing alcohol doesn’t necessarily mean a person has an addiction, but it is a common stepping stone to developing an addiction. Alcohol abuse can start at any age, sometimes from binge drinking in teenage years through to adulthood.
Understanding the usual symptoms of alcohol abuse is key to recognising if a person needs help. These lists are both physical and mental signs to be aware of when trying to decide if they require help.
Physical symptoms:
- Glazed or blank stares
- Bloodshot eyes
- Bad coordination
- Trouble walking & standing
- Disorientated
Mental symptoms:
- Repeating speech
- Slurred speech
- Easily aggravated
- High levels of anxiety
Is alcohol abuse dangerous?
Although alcohol is a legal substance, if abused it can be very dangerous. As drinking alcohol is so common in our society, it can be hard to understand or recognise the above symptoms, though long term abuse can be very detrimental to a person’s health. The damaging effect of alcohol can be sustained far past the alcohol leaving the person’s system. There are both short term effects and long term, which can be much more serious.
Short term effects of alcohol abuse can include:
- Blurred vision
- Distorted hearing
- Memory blackouts
- Nausea & stomach pain
- Breathing problems
- Lack of judgment
Long term effects of alcohol abuse can include:
- Liver issues
- Depression and anxiety disorder
- High blood pressure
- Tremors
- Brain damage
- Alcohol poisoning
- Sexual issues
- Vitamin B1 deficiency
- Loss of memory
There’s many more physical and mental effects of alcohol addiction, but also social problems ranging from legal and financial issues through to relationship issues with loved ones.
Is it time to get help?
There’s someone at the end of our phone 24/7, call us today or fill in our contact form to talk to a member of our team to start your journey to recovery.